With love from WACL

Created by lindsay pattison 9 years ago
The members of WACL will miss Annie dearly. Annie, with her brilliant mind was the most loyal of friends and gave so much of herself to every situation. At WACL Annie was Secretary and Hon Treasurer for many years - both roles which require a huge amount of dedication and such was her grace and humility, she declined the position of President, preferring to stay in the background. Lyndy one of her closest WACL friends shared a story; at a gathering just a couple of months ago Annie wrote this: "I was a little nervous about "coming out" to my oh-so-strong-and-confident WACL mates with my now, frail body and declining strength. But I should have known better. As always, I was swept up in the thoughtful, compassionate heart of my friends and enveloped in kindness and care. How lucky are we with WACL to know such sweet comradeship and loyalty?” All of those who knew Annie were indeed most fortunate to have enjoyed her special friendship....